Plot Options
Plot Options allows control over how the table sorts patterns and elements in patterns. To learn more about Plot Options, refer to the Plot Options page.
Common Plot Options
Enable Reordering, Remove Common Lines, and Don’t Cut Lines on Material Edge are a quick link to functions commonly changed between jobs.
Plot to File
Sends the cutting commands for the current table to a file. This can be useful when you contact Autometrix with problems during cutting.
Current Table
Cuts the Nest currently displayed in the Nest View.
Current Selection
Cuts the pattern copies currently selected.
Plot Window
Once you press either Current Table or Current Selection, the Plot Window will appear.
When you send a job to your machine, the smart screen will change to Waiting For Start mode. For safety, the cutter operator now presses the Start button on the cutter’s screen.
This ensures that the cutter is never started remotely without an operator present.
As cutting progresses, you will see the copy currently being cut in light gray. Copies that have been cut are dark gray. When the table is finished, the Status area will display the Finished screen.
From here, you can Repeat Last Table, Start Next Table, or Close the plotting window. When the job finished, the cut time will be displayed here.
If the cutting machine uses the Autometrix Kinematix motion controller, the run time will display before the job is started.