
Your materials are organized into groups and subgroups nested as many levels deep as needed. Groups are shown on the left side, with subgroups indented. When you click on a group, you will see that group’s materials just to the right, in the Material Collection.

Groups collection section

Default Groups

The Material Library includes a Default group which contains a material called Default, with ID 0001.

Each time you create a new project in PatternSmith, it will include all the materials in the default group in the new project. If you edit the Default material in the library you will see that version of Default each time you open a new project.

In addition, you will have groups called .psxml and .project. These groups contain materials that were in .psxml or .project files when you open these file types. They will only be added if they don’t already exist in you library. You can move them into other existing groups if you want manage them.

Groups Header Tools

Group header tools


Move selected group up or down in the list.

Moving buttons


Collapse all groups.

collapse button


Expand all groups

Expand button


Add new top level group.

Add button

Individual Group Tools


Adds a new group or subgroup.

Add button

Group Right-Click Menu

Add Group

Add a new subgroup.

Add group button

Add Material

Add a new material to the selected group.

Add material button

Set Default

Sets the material as the default material.

Set as default button


Rename the selected group.

rename button

Move to Root

Move the selected subgroup to top level.

Move to root button


Remove the selected group and all its materials.

Remove button

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