The Add / Remove Points Tool lets you add or remove interior points on a line, polyline, spline, Bezier curve, or polygon. For arcs, circles, and ellipses, you will add an actual point element on the curve.
Select the Add/Remove tool from the Points drop-down on the ribbon or press Ctrl + =.
When the Add/Remove tool is selected, mouse over an element. You will see a preview of the new potential point shown as an unfilled circle at your mouse location. To add the new point at your current mouse location, just click. When you mouse over an existing point, it will change to a red X and you can click to remove the point.
You can also click and drag a marquee around a group of points and delete them all at once.
Point At Distance
You can add interior points on lines, polylines, splines, Bezier curves, and polygons. For arcs, circles, and ellipses, you will add an actual point element on the curve.
Select the Point At Distance tool from the Points drop-down on the ribbon or press Ctrl + Shift + =.
Select an element and it will show the length of that element and let you fill in the location of the new point as either the distance or the percentage from the start and/or end of the element. If you select multiple elements, you will be able to set the distance/percentage for all of them. The preview will update as you make changes. Click the Add Points button to accept the changes. There are also fields to add points repeatedly at the specified distance/percentage.