Select the Point tool from the ribbon or press the P key.
You can assign points to any marking or drilling tool. Points to be plotted are shown with crosshairs. Points to be drilled are shown with crosshairs in a circle. Subsequent points made are assigned the same tool. You can change the tool at any time by selecting the point and clicking on a new marking or drilling tool in the Element Tool Window.
Points in PatternSmith can be identified by a label. The label will only be visible when the point is using a Marking tool.
Set the value of the Radius, half the width of the point. Then click on any location in the view to place a point there. You can use the Snap Function when placing the point.
Alternatively, you can enter specific coordinates while working in the dialog. Press Tab to move the cursor to the X field and enter your coordinates. Press Tab to move the cursor to the next data entry location. Enter your y-coordinate. Press Enter or click the Create button to create the point.