Basic Controls

Mouse Buttons

In PatternSmith, the left mouse button is used to select elements and for actions like creating the start and end points of a line. The right mouse button is reserved for context menus, and ending multiple-point elements such as polylines, splines, and Beziers.

We make your most frequently used functions easy – move, snap, join, break, intersect, and add or delete points or elements. We pay special attention to smooth curves. You can convert polylines into 3rd-order splines or Bezier curves with one click.

Common Controls

Moving Elements

Click and hold the left mouse button on a selected element. The element, along with any other selected elements, will move with the mouse. Be sure to click on an element, not on a control point.

Video showing how to move an element

Moving a Control Point

Click and hold the left mouse button on a control point on a selected element. The point will move as you move the mouse, reshaping the element.

Video showing how to move a control point

Deleting Elements

To delete elements, select it and press Delete. **NOTE** Backspace will not delete an element

Snapping To an Element

The Ctrl key is used to activate the snapping mode.

Video showing how to snap to a control point

Radial Snapping

Radial Snapping allows an endpoint of a line or polyline to snap at an angle. There are two way to use Radial Snapping:

  1. Press and hold an endpoint and hold down Ctrl then Alt to snap the endpoint at an angle. If the Alt key is pressed first, scaling behavior will occur.
Video showing how to use the radical snapping when moving an element
  1. Hold down Ctrl + Alt first, then select and move an endpoint.
Video showing how to use the radical snapping from the original position of the element

Rotating an Element

Select an element or elements. While holding the Alt key, click and drag with the left mouse button side to side to rotate the element about the center point of the element or group of elements.

Video showing how to rotate an element

Constraining Movement

The Shift key lets you constrain the movement of an element or selection to horizontal or vertical. Hold the Shift key down while you are moving the element or selection. In addition, hold the Shift key down while clicking to select multiple elements.

Video showing how to constrain the movement of an element


The Scaling allows you to resize a Bezier curve, Polyline, Spline, or Arc while keeping the element’s shape proportional. As you increase or decrease the size, the shape remains geometrically similar, called a geosym.

To resize a curve, select the element you want to resize. Hold down the Alt key and move an endpoint of a Bezier curve, Polyline, Spline, or Arc (make sure to select an endpoint, not a midpoint).

Video showing how to use alternate select


The Esc key releases the last tool used and switches focus back to the selector. A second Esc press releases the current selection.

Video showing how to use the esc key to release a tool



Zoom Selection and Zoom All are found on the View tab. The easiest way to Zoom is by using the mouse wheel. This works in any view. The shortcut for Zoom All is Ctrl + Spacebar.

Copying elements

Use Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, and Ctrl + V shortcut keys to easily copy and paste elements within a pattern or between patterns.

Undo & Redo

Undo and Redo are both available in the Quick Access Toolbar at the top left of any window. In addition, you can use Ctrl + Z to undo and Ctrl + Y to redo.


Press the Spacebar and click or press the Mouse Wheel while moving the mouse to Pan.

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