Snapping is a very important function in computer-aided pattern making. It makes sure you’ve connected two points, rather than just having them “visually close”. The Snap function is available while creating or editing pattern elements.
There are many different points to snap to. When hovering over a snap point an icon will appear indicating which snap point it is. The snap points include:
- End-points
- Start-points
- Mid-points
- Perpendicular points
- Intersection points
- Tangent points
- Center points
How To Snap
Snapping a Point To a Point
Select the element you want to edit. Position the cursor over the point you want to move. When the cursor changes to a crosshair, click and hold the left mouse button. Next, press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard. Potential snap points light up as you get within range of them. Drag the point within range of its snap destination and you will see the point snap. Release the mouse button before you release the Ctrl key. (If you are having trouble snapping, you are probably releasing the Ctrl key before releasing the mouse button.)
Snapping Elements To a Point
Select the elements you want to move and snap. Position the cursor over the point you want to snap to another. When the cursor changes to a crosshair, press the Ctrl key first and then click and hold the left mouse button. Drag the point to its destination, and all selected elements will follow. Release the mouse button before you release the Ctrl key. (If you are having trouble snapping, you are probably releasing the Ctrl key before releasing the mouse button.)
**NOTE** The only difference between snapping an individual point or an entire selection is the order in which you press the Snap (Ctrl) key and the mouse button. Press the Snap key before the mouse button to move the entire selection, snapping the moving point. Press the Snap key after the mouse button and you will only move, and then snap, the point.