
New (CTRL + N)

Click New to start a new project. 

New project button

Open (CTRL + O)

Click Open to open a file.

Open project button

There are many different types of files that you can open:

.projectnative format for PatternSmith version 8 and above; includes both patterns and nested copies
.templatesproject files that include Templates information
.hideshotproject files that include HideShot data
.psxmlsaved from older versions of PatternSmith
.patsaved from older versions of PatternSmith
.ntvsaved from SmSw and various other software
.tplsaved from TailorMade software (an older version of Templates)
.cadshotimage, .jpg, .jpegFiles coming from Autometrix CadShot and CadShot Mobile
.dxfdrawing exchange file format used by many CAD programs; includes patterns only
.aamaversion of .dxf used by many CAD programs
.cmdEastman format
.gbr, .nc, .isoGerber format, also called Gerber cut files
.pdfAdobe Portable Document Format
.epsAdobe Encapsulated Post Script file standard
.ablA-B Verfier/AB File format (triangulation)
.panNorth Sails .pan file

Opening DXF Files

Opening a DXF file pop up menu


DXF files do not include unit information, so you will need to supply it.

Convert Text Elements

This will convert all text in the DXF file to either a Barcode or a Barcode With Text.

Create Nest

When your DXF file consists of a single pattern, or is coming from a software that has already nested your patterns, check the Create Nest check box. PatternSmith will place a copy of the pattern on the default material in the lower left corner, ready for cutting.

Use Box Perimeter

This should be used when a DXF file does not put each pattern into its own block.

Import Block As Patterns

If your DXF file contains blocks, PatternSmith can turn each Block into a separate pattern.

Force Cut Lines Left to Right

Left To Right lines are for very specific applications. Do not enable this options unless you know you need it, it can result in very inefficient cut paths.

DXF With AAMA Extensions

Controls the tools used when importing Notches and, Sew and Internal Lines.

Custom Layer

PatternSmith uses the following Layer names or element colors to map elements to tools.

ToolLayer NamesColor
First cutting toolCUT1, CUT2Red
Second cutting toolCUT2Magenta
Marking toolMARK, PLOTGreen
ReferenceREF, REFERENCEYellow

If your file uses anything other than PatternSmith defaults for layers, you will see them in the Custom Layer section and be able to map your layers or colors to tools using the drop-down menu for that layer.

Opening Eastman CMD

These are the settings when opening an Eastman CMD file.

Opening a Eastman CMD file pop up menu

Opening Gerber .gbr, .iso, .nc

These are the settings when opening a Gerber file.

Opening a Gerber file pop up menu

Opening PDF

These are the settings when opening a PDF file.

Opening a PDF file pop up menu

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