Variables usually consist of top-level measured dimensions; usually dimensions on the finished product. For example, the Variables for most spa covers would be Length, Width, Corner Radius, Foam Taper, and Skirt Depth.
These won’t necessarily equate to any dimensions on the patterns, but can be related to pattern dimensions indirectly through an algebraic expression. All patterns can be regenerated correctly if you know the values for those basic Variables.
Creating Variables
To start creating a variable, click the Add button at the bottom of the Variables Window. Once you press the Add button, the Parameter Tab will change.
Enter the Name, Value, and Type of variable it is. The Value can be a number or an expression.
There are three different types of variables:
Length: the length of an element.
Angle: the angle between two elements.
Text: The text that will replace an existing text element.
When you create text enclosed in angle brackets (<text>) inside a pattern, Templates will use it as a variable, automatically adding it to your Variables list. When you generate new patterns, Templates lets you enter new text.
When you are finished creating the variable, press the Accept button.
Editing a Variable
To edit a variable, double-click the variable name. Here you will be able to change the value. Once done, press the Check Mark.
Removing a Variable
Mouse over any Variable and you’ll see an X light up. Click the X to remove that variable.