Extenders move a point relative to its anchor point. When an extender is selected, you can snap to the anchor (start) point and then to the point you want to move. Snapping is automatic in Template. The controls visual will follow your mouse until you click to set its position. As soon as you have created the control, you can associate it with a parameter name from the dropdown in the Tool window.
If you haven’t created the parameter name yet, you’ll be able to select any control later to add the parameter.
Horizontal Extender
Use a Horizontal Extender to set the horizontal (X) distance between any two points.
Vertical Extender
Use a Vertical Extender to set the vertical (Y) distance between any two points.
Distance Extender
Use a Distance Extender to set the distance between any two points. The resulting angle between the points will depend on the other control that ends on the same point.
For a Distance Extender to work properly, another control has to be attached to the same endpoint. The other control could be a distance from another anchor point or a horizontal or vertical extender.