Templates Window

Templates window layout
  1. Quick Access Toolbar: You can Undo or Redo here.
  2. Tabs: Here you will find the Controls, Parameters, and View tabs.
  3. Ribbon Interface: Gives access to editing controls.
  4. Tool Window: Shows the name of the tool currently in use, along with information that applies to that tool. When you select a tool, the Tool Window will change. You can also tab to the Project History from here.
  5. Project View Panel: All patterns in the project will be here. If the pattern has an eye next to it, the pattern will be visible. 
  6. Pattern Canvas: This area holds all the patterns you have selected to view. Here you can edit the controls of each pattern.
  7. Variable Window: Holds all of the measured values that the finished patterns will conform to.
  8. Parameters Window: Holds the parameter names that are associated with controls.
  9. Status Bar: Provides pattern information.

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