Plot/Cut Tab

When an eligible PrintShot pattern is created, the Plot/Cut Tab layout will change.

Plot/cut tab


Plot Options

All Plot Options are the same.

PrintShot Button

To take a picture of the printed patterns, press the PrintShot button or press F10.

PrintShot button


Material Type

Depending on the material you are using, changing the Material Type will help fit the pattern correctly.

material types dropdown

Use Flexible when the material in use is stretchy and can be easily distorted during the printing process. This will stretch the patterns to better match the patterns on the table.

Use Rigid when the material in use can be distorted during the printing process. This will make smaller changes to the pattern when the material is more rigid, like a vinyl-coated material.

Use Strict when you only want the pattern moved/rotated to the correct location and keep the original geometry exactly as it is.

Missing Markers

Missing Markers is how many markers that can be missed, and the pattern still be cut. Usually, you will want this at 0%. If the percent is greater than 0, there is a possibility that PrintShot will not cut accurately. 0 would be for Flexible material types. Greater than 0 would be more for Ridgid and Strict material types.

Missing markers slider

Repeating Prints

This feature is used when the same pattern is printed multiple times, but only one PrintShot pattern is created. The patterns must be placed in a rectangular array of rows and columns. Setting this number greater than 1 will automatically place evenly spaced Horizontal or Vertical Separator bars. These can be adjusted in the Editor window.

Repeating prints


Automation is mainly used when having an auto-feed attachment. On a Catalyst machine, each run is a complete table.



Choose what material will be in use and the width of that material.

Choosing material


Click the right or left arrow to change tables. You can also use the dropdown under the table number to quickly switch to a different table or to delete the current, empty, or all nested tables.

Choosing a nest

Plotting Mode

Auto Fit will automatically fit the Nest to the maximum height of the view and scroll as the job progresses.

Zoom All will zoom out so the entire Nest is in view at all times during the cutting process.

Plotting mode

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