Capture Window
Retake Image will recapture the image. If you need to make the image lighter or darker, use the drop-down to do so.
Use the Patterns, Holes, and Background tools to select the patterns, holes, and background color. Clear All will remove all markers and repair marks.
The tools will leave markers that look like this:
The Line, Freehand, and Erase tools can be used to alter or repair a pattern or background. The Erase tool will automatically switch to the color of the image at the location the background marker has been placed.
The Brush shape can be a circle or square and the Size can be adjusted using the slider.
Use the Pick Color tool to select a sample color of a pattern. The Background Color tool automatically switches to whatever color has been selected as the background.
Perimeter Options is a quick way to change the Perimeter Detection without going back to Preferences. See the Perimeter Detection section in Preferences for more information.
File Name allows the file to be named “on the fly”. If this is not changed, the settings in Preferences will be used.
Zoom All shows the full extent of the image.
Click Next to capture the edges of the pattern and move to the Editor Window. Only click next once you have marked the patterns, holes, and background color.