Analyze Tab

Synopsis analyze tab


Time Span

Timespan allows you to set the range of time to display data. The user can choose a Preset Range or specify a specific Date Range.

Ribbon timespan


Reset Layout will reset all panels to their default settings.

Reset layout button


Export will save your data as a CSV for more detailed analysis in any spreadsheet application.

Export button

Filter Panel

Allows you to filter selected columns in the Plot Jobs Panel. Available columns are Plotter, Status, and Material.

Filter panel

Jobs Panel

Shows Job Summary details in a column format. Columns can be resized and reordered. You can sort the data for any column by clicking on that column header. A second click will reverse the order. Whatever is shown in this view is what will be exported to a CSV file.

Job panel

Details Panel

Clicking on a line in the Plot Jobs Panel will show more details about that particular job in this panel.

Details panel

Summary/Graph Panel

The Summary/Graph Panel can display in two ways. Select the desired view by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the content panel.

Summary Panel

Contains data in text format and is sorted by machine.  Each machine displays information about Jobs Processed, Uptime, Material Efficiency, Job Duration, and Materials Used.

Summary panel

Graph Panel

Contains data in pie and bar graphs and is sorted by machine. Graphs are available for Material Efficiency, Job Duration, Material Usage, Plotter Usage, and Machine Active vs. Paused.

Graph panel

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