What's New in PatternSmith

PatternSmith 11 features a new look and feel using the latest Windows themes. Increased performance and visual rendering improvements are also a direct result of using these updated themes.

A web-based help system has been created. This site includes software and hardware manuals. Some resources are password protected. Please contact Customer Service for the password.

When installing PatternSmith 11 a new unlock will be required. Please contact Customer Service for an Activation code or under File – Help, click on Create an Unlock File and send the request to support@autometrix.com. You may also run PatternSmith 11 in fully functioning trial mode for 30 days. The trial includes 100 uses of our Forge Automatic Nester.

You do not need to uninstall PatternSmith 10 to try out PatternSmith 11. They can be run side by side.

See the following pages for specific changes to the Project View and Pattern Editor.

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