
To access the HideShot preferences, go to Preferences > Plugins > HideShot.

Hideshot settings in PatternSmith


Ask Before Removing Nest

If checked, a pop up will appear with a confirmation message before removing the nest.


Grade Ungraded Patterns As a Grade

Mark any patterns that were not graded as an A grade automatically.

Fill Empty Space On The Hide With a Grade Zones

Fills in any area on the hide that isn’t otherwise graded as an A zone.

Hide Material

Here you can change the Inter-Copy (how close together each pattern is nested) and the Edge (how close patterns are nested to the edge of the hide.


Here, you can change the Hide Color and the Border Color.


Remove Nest After Plotting

Removes the nested hide immediately after the plotting window is closed. Since hides are one-time cuts, this is the standard behavior.

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