Nesting On The Hide

Setting Up Patterns

Patterns can be added to a new, blank PatternSmith project or nested directly from their original project file. Each pattern can have its own quota, rotation constraint and grade. You can set quotas, rotation constraints, and grades for individual patterns. If multiple patterns use the same quota, rotation constraint and grade properties then they can be multi-selected and their properties set all at one time.


A Quota has two values: Copy and Multiplier. The Copy quota is the number of parts required to make a complete product. The Multiplier is how many complete products to make. If a pattern has a Copy quota of 3 and a Multiplier of 2, 4 copies will be nested. If a pattern has a Copy quota of 1 and a Multiplier of 2, 2 copies will be nested.

Copy constraints in PatternSmith

A Quota can be set by selecting single or multiple patterns and setting the Copy and Multiplier in the Content panel – Copy Constraint section.

Rotation Constraint

A pattern can have a Rotation Constraint set to control its orientation on the hide. This can be used to help align patterns with the grain of the hide. See the PatternSmith Help Manual for more information on this function.


A pattern Grade assigns a grade value, A – D, to a pattern. It allows a pattern to be placed in that Grade on a hide. Patterns will be allowed in their corresponding Grade on the hide or better. For example, a pattern with an A grade can only go in an A Grade on the hide. A B grade pattern can go in either a B or A Grade on the hide. A C grade pattern can go in a C, B, or A Grade on the hide, etc.

Grades dropdown

A Grade can be set by selecting single or multiple patterns and setting the grade in the Content panel. The pattern’s fill colors will be set to match the Grade color. A Grade can be removed by clicking the X next to the grade selector and its fill colors will be reset to the default material color.


Nesting on a hide is very similar to nesting on standard fabric, except that the nested patterns stay inside the bounds of the hide. Patterns can be nested with Forge Autonesting or by hand.

Nesting on a hide

If you need to edit the hide, press the Edit Hide button in the Tools tab.

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